Monthly Sales Numbers – Month #2 (December)

My December sales at Barnes and Noble haven’t increased in a couple of days, so I’m going to assume the total they have up there now is the final total for the month. I know I just posted about my total sales/milestone of over 1,000 books the other day, but I didn’t exactly break it down to December’s sales. This is just something I want to do to both track my own monthly progress and to give other Indie Authors a realistic idea of what is going on for someone like me.

In December, I released a second book, INNER DEMONS, which is the sequel to my first book. At this point in time, I plan for this series to be five books total, with each book coming out within 2 months from the last. That would put Book 5 coming out around the end of June to close out the series. After that, I plan to release the first book of my zombie series – PANDEMIC.

So, here are my December sales numbers:

BEAUTIFUL DEMONS – a young adult fantasy book about cheerleaders who are witches

  • Amazon’s Kindle store – 59 US sales, 6 UK sales for a total of 65 sales.
  • Barnes and Noble – 526 sales.
  • Smashwords – 6 sales.

INNER DEMONS – book 2 of my Peachville High Demons series, released December 20th

  • Amazon’s Kindle store – 25 US sales, 3 UK sales for a total of 28 sales.
  • Barnes and Noble – 280 sales.
  • Smashwords – only 2 copies sold here.

Total December sales – 907 Books sold!

That is such a huge leap from the 139 sold last month!! Even though I hope to see some growth each month, I think December was abnormally high for a lot of authors because of the abundance of ereaders sold over the holidays. I don’t expect to see such high numbers for January, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Already, I have seen a significant drop in my Barnes and Noble sales ranking. They are so far behind in reporting sales that I have no idea just how much they have dropped off, but if the sales rank is any indication, I’m only selling 5-10 copies maybe a day there instead of the higher numbers I saw throughout December.

I’m more excited to see what happens after I release the third book in my series. SHADOW DEMONS is slated for release February 23rd, and I am hoping that adding a third book to my shelf will help boost sales and awareness of the series.

All in all, still modest numbers, but growing beyond my expectations! December was an amazing month! The reviews and ratings that are pouring in are almost all four and five stars, so I’m very happy with the positive response. Thank you to everyone for your support!! I’m excited to see what 2011 brings!


  1. Just as a quick update – I posted these numbers because B&N hadn't added any new sales to my December page in a few days and I thought it was a final number. Tonight, though, I got home and suddenly have a total of 822 sales in December instead of 806! Apparently, they are still catching up with some of their December sales. I say, the more the merrier ๐Ÿ™‚ !!!

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