My Kindle Store Sales Increasing!

I’ve been doing well on PubIt! from the beginning. I sold 99 copies there the first month, then jumped to an amazing 1040 the second month. This month I have over 1200 sales on Barnes & Noble’s site. On the other hand, my Kindle sales have been very slow comparatively. This scares me a little bit, because before October, when I was first considering self-publishing, there was no PubIt!. If they hadn’t opened, would I only be selling a handful of copies of my books so far?

My guess? Yes, probably. So thank God for Barnes and Noble joining the self-publishing revolution and opening a new way for writers to publish on their site!

The good news, though, is that my Kindle sales are starting to pickup. I haven’t done anything specific to bring attention to my books. I’ve just been writing Book 3, hoping to get more quality content up there and hopefully spur sales that way. The sales are just taking off on their own. I’m still not to the same level as B&N, but I’m getting there. The first month, I only sold a handful on Kindle. I’d have to look back to see an exact number, but I’m thinking somewhere around 40. The second month was somewhere around 80. Now, month 3, I’ve sold 382 books in the Kindle store. My sales ranking hovered between 20,000-30,000 for most of December. For most of January, though, it’s been hovering between 3500-5000. A vast improvement!

My great hope now is that in February, with the release of Book 3 coming up, I can move up to the 2,000’s in sales rank and hopefully hit at least 500 sales on Kindle in Feb. I’m extremely proud of this, even though I know some Indie authors are way out-selling me. Amanda Hocking just did a blog post announcing that she’s sold nearly half a million copies of her books since she started, which was when? March or something of last year? Amazing! I have to admit I’m uber-jealous, but also encouraged. I don’t know that I can find that level of success in the next year, but I’m on my way to something special here.

I’ll post my official sales numbers in a few days when the reporting is complete for January, but I’m pretty sure the number is going to be awfully close to 1700 for the month. I never dreamed I could sell that many in just my 3rd month as an Indie author, so thank you to everyone who has taken a chance on my Peachville High Demons series. Hopefully, it’s only up from here.