Today, I officially took office as Treasurer on the Board of the Heart of Caroline Romance Writers!! I’m super excited about finally giving something back to an organization and a chapter that has meant so much to me. I’m a little nervous about the responsibility and organization required, but I know I can handle it.
It was such a fun day hanging out with other writers. Writing is often such a solitary thing. Sure, we have our online friends and all-day twitter and facebook and email chats, but there’s nothing like sitting down and having a cup of coffee with someone who loves books and story-telling just as much as you. Plus, the perk of our Raleigh chapter is having so many amazing published authors like Sabrina Jeffries, Claudia Dain, Deb Marlowe, and a dozen or more others. It’s inspiring to be around people who have made writing a full-time career.
Then again, it’s also great to sit down and talk to someone who is still in the trenches, fighting to create a career for themselves. It’s good to share war stories about agent pitches and rwa conferences. I love the diversity of our group. And even though I don’t write strict romance, I get a lot out of being a part of this group. If you’re a writer and you don’t belong to at least one writing organization, I highly recommend joining RWA and your local RWA chapter. It was one of the first decisions I made as a new writer, and I have never regretted it.