Getting Excited!

My work on DEMONS FOREVER has really just begun. I haven’t actually written a word of it yet, to be honest, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on it. Mostly, I’ve been going over my notes and working on the story-line. I think of all the books I’ve written so far, this one makes me the most nervous. Knowing the series is coming to an end is difficult. I want to make sure to wrap up all the loose ends. I want to answer all the questions that need to be answered. And I want to give all of the fans of the series an ending they can love. It’s extremely important to me that this be one of the best (if not THE best) books in the whole series. That’s a lot of pressure to put on myself!

But at the same time, I’m getting crazy excited about this book. So much of the story is finally coming together in a way that will hopefully surprise and delight you, hehe. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the Shadow World lately. At least in my mind I have. I think about it all the time, really. This is my first time ever writing a fantasy world. I’ve written several stories that are based in our world, but with a paranormal twist. Ghosts, zombies, witches, etc. But this is my first time actually writing another world all together. Granted, it’s still connected to our world in a lot of ways, but it’s still foreign and different and very exciting to create.

I had planned to start the actual writing of the rough draft last week, but art takes time, and I don’t want to rush this book. I want to make sure I take the time I need with it to make it a fitting ending to the Peachville High Demons series. I will, however, be starting the rough draft this week. I’m definitely ready to start getting the story down in words. If you want to check my progress, you look at the word meter on the right side of this blog or on the right side of my website’s home page at I try to update my word meter every day. I’m anticipating this last book to be a little bit longer than the rest. Book 4 was already close to 60,000 words, and I’m guessing Book 5 will close out at around 70,000. I never totally know until it’s written, though.

Anyway, I hope you’ll keep up with my progress as I go along. Once the rough draft is complete, I’ll start revisions (which for me, usually means nearly completely rewriting the book), then critique, then formatting, and then finally publishing! Getting excited about DEMONS FOREVER!


  1. Just read 1 – 4 loved it. Looking forward to the final installment. Can hardly wait – what is the ETA?!

  2. Sweet!! Take as long as you need!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This gives me plenty of time to read the series over again before the finale book!

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