Starting Demons Forever!

Today is the day that I officially start work on the final book in the Peachville High Demons series, Demons Forever. I’m so excited I can hardly see straight!!! I already have a rough outline of the book, and I am pretty confident I know how the series ends, but to be honest, things always turn out different when I begin to write. The story always goes in its own direction, and I just have to go with it. If you looked at the original outline for Rival Demons, you wouldn’t even recognize the story! But in the end, the story came out exactly as it was meant to, in spite of me :P.

My plan is to spend the next three days finishing my outline – filling in all the details that I see in my head. Here’s a quick pic of my outlining tools for the next few days, hehe. I kind of have a passion for stationary and post-its and stickers, lol.

Since this is the final book in the series, I’m going to spend some serious time thinking about the previous books. What questions have been left unanswered? What story threads need to be tied up? Like I said, my rough draft never ends up being the full story. Writing a book for me is sort of like putting together a puzzle. Except I don’t always start with all the right pieces. During my rough draft, I put together the pieces that fit and throw out the pieces that just don’t work. Then, I rewrite the story until it’s right. It’s a feeling inside that just knows when something fits together the way it was meant to.

So tomorrow I start the hard (but fun) work of starting to piece together the puzzle for the first time. On Wednesday, Feb. 1st, I will start the actual rough draft. I am hoping the words come easy, hehe. I know I’m definitely excited about writing the final piece of Harper’s story.

So far, I’ve received a lot of messages from fans of the series wondering when the final book will be out. Right now, I don’t have an answer. I’m hesitant to give an expected date, because I know that pregnancy is somewhat unpredictable. I don’t want anyone to be disappointed if I miss the deadline this time around. All I can do right now is assure you that I will be working on the book every day, and I will get it out as soon as I possibly can. Again, take the time to sign up for my mailing list or follow my blog if you want to stay up to date on my progress with the rough draft.

I hope you are as excited as I am about Demons Forever!!!

One Comment

  1. So excited! But don't strain yourself!!!! I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy! Bless you and all that you do for us fans!!!

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