Happy Birthday, Beautiful Demons!

I cannot believe that today marks NINE YEARS since I first published Beautiful Demons! What an incredible life I have had since that day. I can’t even fully express how grateful I am to this book and to all of you for the past nine years.

I have always wanted to be a writer. I still remember being nine years old and having my very first can’t-stop-reading-until-this-book-is-done experience with Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of Nimh. Up until that moment, I had no idea just how magical books could be.

I literally felt transported to a new world, and after that I was hooked for life. I always had a book in my hands, and I dreamed of being able to write like that. I just wasn’t sure I could do it!

Fast forward many years, after getting a degree (even a Master’s Degree) in vocal performance, I finally realized that opera singing was not the right career for me. I taught music in Elementary School for a few years, but I knew I wouldn’t be happy doing that forever, either.

Then my husband (boyfriend at the time) asked me a simple question. If you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?

“I would be a writer!”

Those words came out of my mouth before I even had time to think about it. It was like my heart said them instead of my head. I knew then that I had always wanted to be a writer, and I had just been too scared to give it a real try.

That was back in 2007, so it took me several years to learn how to write a book and to figure out what types of books I most wanted to write. But in October of 2010, I finally had written a book I truly loved and created a world I wanted to stay in for a while.

October 29, 2010

I published Beautiful Demons on October 29, 2010, and it changed my life. I will forever be grateful to that day and to all of the readers who have taken a chance on my books ever since.

Honestly, at the time, I thought I would be over the moon if I could ever sell 1,000 books. I didn’t know if I could. But book by book, the readers started to come.

Today, I’ve sold nearly three quarters of a million books, which still blows my mind! It almost doesn’t seem real, and when I think back to who I was nine years ago today as I nervously pressed “publish” on a book I loved, I am brought to tears by how far I have come as a person, a mother, and an author.

Me and my newborn baby girl, Evie

A Huge Thank You

As I look back on this journey, it all comes down to this:

I wouldn’t be here without you, loyal reader. I wouldn’t have the wonderful privilege of being able to create worlds out of nothing but my imagination if it wasn’t for those of you willing to live in those worlds for a little while.

I hope to be able to continue to create those worlds for many years (decades) to come. My readers mean the world to me, so thank you for being a part of my journey and my reading family.

Live Video Celebration Tonight

As a thank you celebration, I’m going live over on my Facebook Page tonight at 6PM Eastern (just 2 hours from the time I’m writing this). I’d love to have you join me there to celebrate, but if you miss it live, I hope you’ll still watch the replay.

I also will have several exclusive giveaways running for the rest of this week over in my Facebook Group – Sarra Cannon’s Coven. Come join us there, just be sure to answer the questions asked when you request to join so we know you are a legit fan!

I’ll be giving away t-shirts, paperbacks, and posters, so I hope you’ll come join us!

When And How Did You Discover Beautiful Demons?

I also would love for you to comment below and let me know when and how you discovered Beautiful Demons! Did you find it in the free box set? Or download it from Bookbub? Let me know below!

Here is a brief look at the different covers that have been on the book. There’s a giveaway post in my Coven explaining the full progression, so come check it out! Which cover was on the book when you first found it?

More To Come

You know, when I first wrote Beautiful Demons back in 2010, I thought it was going to be a trilogy. Haha! Now, I’ll shortly start work on Book 11, Vengeful Darkness.

There are two books remaining in the Shadow Demons Saga. Book 11 will hopefully be out toward the beginning of 2020, so I’ll keep you guys updated on how things are going as I finish Fate’s Surrender and start work on Book 11.

If you want to read/watch my most recent update or watch, check out this recent post.

More books to come!! Happy Birthday to the book that started it all!!