Author: Sarra Cannon

Cover Reveal of Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn!

Cover Reveal of Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn!

I am so excited to have a chance to participate in the cover reveal and release announcement for my friend and fellow Indie YA author, Susan Kaye Quinn! Free Souls is the third and final book in her Mindjack Trilogy. You can read more below and even enter her giveaway! Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn (Book Three of the Mindjack Trilogy) Now Available! When your mind is a weapon, freedom comes at a price. Four months have passed since Kira left home to join Julian’s Jacker Freedom Alliance, but the hole in her heart still whistles empty where her boyfriend…

Brief Update and Demons Forever Sneak Peek!

If you’ve been watching my word meter, you’ll know I haven’t had a chance to work on Demons Forever since I got home from Georgia last week. Unfortunately, the baby and I have both been very sick. He seems to be feeling much better, thank goodness, but I seem to be getting worse. I’m off to the doctor this afternoon to find out if it’s some kind of infection or virus. This is the danger of going to family events with 60 people! It turns out several people ended up with the flu, so I’m praying that’s not what I…

Halfway :)

Halfway :)

After a very productive weekend, I have made it just past halfway on the final edits for Demons Forever! I was really hoping to have the book out by Thanksgiving, but unfortunately family duty calls and I won’t be able to work on the book as much in the next week. We’ll be driving to Georgia to visit my family, and even though I might sneak in some time here or there to work on the book, by and large it will be family time. I’m excited about how much I got done this weekend, though, and am very happy…

Demons Forever Final Edits!

Demons Forever Final Edits!

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you had a great week and a fun weekend planned ahead. My weekend is going to be all about final edits on DEMONS FOREVER! Yes! I finally have finished a lot of the rewrites I needed to do on the beginning and in the middle of the book. Tonight as soon as Andrew goes to sleep, I will start at the very beginning and go all the way through the book, rewriting any scenes that don’t work and tweaking things until they feel right. I am putting up a fresh word meter here on my blog…

Demons Forever Update

Demons Forever Update

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. I know everyone is gearing up for the holiday season. Can you believe there are already Christmas decorations up in a lot of stores? Insane. I’m not ready! I wanted to write and give a quick update on how the book is coming along. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of the messages of encouragement and support over the past two weeks. You guys give me the strength to keep pushing forward and to want to truly make this the best book it can be. This past…

Witchy Ebook Deals!!!

Witchy Ebook Deals!!!

Hi everyone! Well, first of all, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all my loyal fans who commented and sent such sweet messages to me. It means the world to me that I can come to you and tell you what’s going on and you will understand and cheer me on. You have no idea how much it has helped. I’ve been able to rest a couple of days and tonight will go back to the story with fresh eyes for the final read-through and the last edits. I am not ready to announce a date…