Author: Sarra Cannon

MILESTONE: 60,000 Books Sold!

Yippeee!!! I’m very excited to announce that yesterday, I hit a new sales milestone. 60,000 books sold. This is an all-time figure, starting when I self-published my first novel, Beautiful Demons, at the end of October 2010. It took me almost exactly 16 months to reach this milestone, and I couldn’t be happier. More than anything, I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you to all my faithful readers who have purchased the books in the Peachville High Demons series and supported me. It means more to me than I could ever say. You have all made my dreams…

Back to Work!

Back to Work!

I am safely home in North Carolina and getting back to work on the rough draft of Demons Forever! I had such a great time in Georgia, but I always feel like I lose a lot of work time when I go there. It’s just too hard to concentrate on writing when there’s so much family activity. I mean, it’s hard to justify crawling into a cave somewhere to spend hours writing when I barely get to see my mom and sister and brother, you know? So the bottom line is that I didn’t really get any work done while…

Home to Georgia

Home to Georgia

No, I haven’t completely fallen off the face of the earth, lol. When I’m starting work on a new book, I always sort of crawl into this cave where I have less to say to the outside world. And I’ve been working a lot on Demons Forever. Since this is the final book in my series, it’s obviously very near and dear to my heart. I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about my characters, reading back through important scenes, writing out lists of all of the unanswered questions. I really want this book to be something special. That’s…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!! It’s always such a fun day of telling people you love them and watching romantic movies or daydreaming about the future. Today, I have been thinking a lot about my sweet little baby boy, Andrew, who will be coming in June. I hope he knows how much I love him already :). My husband and I are not doing anything fancy tonight. Just going to see a movie – and nothing romantic, haha. I think we’re going to see Chronicle, which I’ve heard is good. And I can’t resist movies about teens with powers, hehe. It…

Starting Demons Forever!

Starting Demons Forever!

Today is the day that I officially start work on the final book in the Peachville High Demons series, Demons Forever. I’m so excited I can hardly see straight!!! I already have a rough outline of the book, and I am pretty confident I know how the series ends, but to be honest, things always turn out different when I begin to write. The story always goes in its own direction, and I just have to go with it. If you looked at the original outline for Rival Demons, you wouldn’t even recognize the story! But in the end, the…

Brief Update and a Thank You

Brief Update and a Thank You

First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has been so supportive over the last week. Rival Demons has been out for exactly one week, and the reviews are starting to come in. All 5 stars so far on B&N and Amazon, which is so exciting I can hardly see straight! Thank you to everyone who has purchased the book and to those of you who have left reviews. I sincerely appreciate your support of the series!!! I also wanted to give a brief update on Demons Forever. I’ve been getting a ton of messages from people who have just…