Author: Sarra Cannon

Ebook Pricing

What is the best price for an ebook? This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Are my books only selling decent because they are just 99 cents? Or would people be willing to pay more? Another interesting question is this: Are some people not even bothering to read my book because of the price? Some people have expressed opinions online that when they see a book priced at only 99 cents, they automatically assume it’s a poorly written book. I certainly don’t want to get a reputation for writing bad books. On the other hand, at…

A Happy Little Trip

It doesn’t take much to make me happy sometimes. Yesterday, G and I went to Crabtree Valley Mall specifically because it’s the only mall around with a Sanrio store. If you’re not familiar, Sanrio is the company that makes Hello Kitty. And as most of you know, I am a bit of a fan. 😛 My friend J gave me an ultra cute gift card to the Sanrio store for watching her fish, Alpha, while she was out of town for the holidays. I certainly wasn’t expecting to get anything for it, but the gift card was a nice surprise….


Today, I officially took office as Treasurer on the Board of the Heart of Caroline Romance Writers!! I’m super excited about finally giving something back to an organization and a chapter that has meant so much to me. I’m a little nervous about the responsibility and organization required, but I know I can handle it. It was such a fun day hanging out with other writers. Writing is often such a solitary thing. Sure, we have our online friends and all-day twitter and facebook and email chats, but there’s nothing like sitting down and having a cup of coffee with…

Monthly Sales Numbers – Month #2 (December)

My December sales at Barnes and Noble haven’t increased in a couple of days, so I’m going to assume the total they have up there now is the final total for the month. I know I just posted about my total sales/milestone of over 1,000 books the other day, but I didn’t exactly break it down to December’s sales. This is just something I want to do to both track my own monthly progress and to give other Indie Authors a realistic idea of what is going on for someone like me. In December, I released a second book, INNER…


I just got home from Jenna Black’s local book signing at the Brier Creek Barnes & Noble. She was signing her new YA fantasy, SHADOWSPELL. I can’t wait to read it. This is book 2 of her Faeriewalker series (not sure I spelled that right). The first book, GLIMMERGLASS, was awesome! Here is the very beautiful cover for her book: I just love it! Book signings are so much fun, too. Jenna read from a chapter. There were cookies. It was a good turnout. I definitely enjoyed it and can’t wait to read the book. If you haven’t read the…

Milestone! 1,000 Books Sold!

Since first publishing at the very end of October 2010, I have reached my first major milestone – 1,000 books sold! As I mentioned yesterday, December sales at Barnes & Noble continue to roll in. I’m not sure why they are so far behind on their reporting, but everyday I wake up with more Dec. sales. It’s like a little belated Christmas present every morning! My true total of sales to date: 1,218 books. Here’s how it breaks down: Beautiful Demons: Book 1 of the Peachville High Demons series has sold a total of 826 books. 124 through Amazon’s Kindle…