
Stranded in the Ocean

Did you hear about the six sailors from Texas A&M University that were stranded in the ocean after their sailboat capsized on Friday night? You can read the story on CNN. After I read that story, my first thought was sadness for the man who lost his life and how terrified he must have been. I think drowning has to be one of the most horrible ways to die simply because you know exactly what’s happening. There would be no way to control the panic rising up inside. My second thought was what must it have been like for the…

Happiness is the key to Success

Albert Schweitzer once said: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” That sounds really nice, doesn’t it? And easy. Just do something you love and you will be successful. Find happiness and success will follow. But in this day and age, where unemployment is higher than it has been in two decades and people that do have jobs are spending half of their income on gas to get to work, survival is more important than success. So where does that leave happiness? For…


I didn’t mean to fall behind on my posting this week, but it’s been a rough week right from the start. Last week, I finally got around to going to the doctor, which is something I have needed to do for months now. That should be good news, and I suppose it is. The bad news, though, is that she prescribed two new medications and it is taking my body a while to adjust. For the first few days, all I felt was tired. All the time. I think that I slept 15 hours or more on Monday. Then, the…

Is Everyone Pregnant?

As if it isn’t bad enough that all of Hollywood is pregnant these days… It seems that all of my friends are too. Of course, not that it’s a bad thing. It just seems that pregnant women are all around me these days. First it was Hollywood and celebrities everywhere. From Christina Aguilera to Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie… Jamie-Lynn Spears, Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Alba, and J.Lo. The celeb mags these days have been on super baby bump watch. Then came my friends. First it was T, which was a HUGE surprise. She looks really pretty pregnant though, and I…

SATC Movie – Love and Labels

Watching SATC last night was like catching up with old friends. I loved them and followed their stories, hanging on every word Sunday nights weekly for six years. We were friends from the beginning, and I have missed them terribly. Last night I got to spend just over 2 glorious hours with them again, and I loved every single moment. When it was over, I wanted more. I don’t want to reveal any of the movie plot for those friends who haven’t seen it yet, but I will say that it is fabulous. The clothes are amazing, the women have…

Today’s the Day!

Yay! Today’s the day for the movie! Woohoo!! I can’t be totally excited about it yet this morning though, because I have to head to the doctor in about 15 minutes. I detest going to get a pap smear done. I know it’s just one of those things that you have to do as a woman to be safe with your health, but it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing and completely nerve-wracking. My stomach is doing flips. I am going in for a yearly physical with a totally new doctor I’ve never met before, and I’m nervous. Hopefully some good will come…