
Iced In

A bit of a winter storm last night here in North Carolina. I went out to Borders Cafe to write with my critique parter, J, and around 8:45 got a text from my hubby saying “You might want to come home. Getting slick out there.” We shrugged it off, then decided we’d leave in about 15 minutes or so. After all, from the inside of the cafe, it just looked a little bit rainy out. No big deal, right? The second I stepped out onto the pavement, I knew I had been seriously wrong. It wasn’t rain. It was ICE….

Ebook Pricing

What is the best price for an ebook? This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Are my books only selling decent because they are just 99 cents? Or would people be willing to pay more? Another interesting question is this: Are some people not even bothering to read my book because of the price? Some people have expressed opinions online that when they see a book priced at only 99 cents, they automatically assume it’s a poorly written book. I certainly don’t want to get a reputation for writing bad books. On the other hand, at…

A Happy Little Trip

It doesn’t take much to make me happy sometimes. Yesterday, G and I went to Crabtree Valley Mall specifically because it’s the only mall around with a Sanrio store. If you’re not familiar, Sanrio is the company that makes Hello Kitty. And as most of you know, I am a bit of a fan. ๐Ÿ˜› My friend J gave me an ultra cute gift card to the Sanrio store for watching her fish, Alpha, while she was out of town for the holidays. I certainly wasn’t expecting to get anything for it, but the gift card was a nice surprise….


Today, I officially took office as Treasurer on the Board of the Heart of Caroline Romance Writers!! I’m super excited about finally giving something back to an organization and a chapter that has meant so much to me. I’m a little nervous about the responsibility and organization required, but I know I can handle it. It was such a fun day hanging out with other writers. Writing is often such a solitary thing. Sure, we have our online friends and all-day twitter and facebook and email chats, but there’s nothing like sitting down and having a cup of coffee with…

Monthly Sales Numbers – Month #2 (December)

My December sales at Barnes and Noble haven’t increased in a couple of days, so I’m going to assume the total they have up there now is the final total for the month. I know I just posted about my total sales/milestone of over 1,000 books the other day, but I didn’t exactly break it down to December’s sales. This is just something I want to do to both track my own monthly progress and to give other Indie Authors a realistic idea of what is going on for someone like me. In December, I released a second book, INNER…


I just got home from Jenna Black’s local book signing at the Brier Creek Barnes & Noble. She was signing her new YA fantasy, SHADOWSPELL. I can’t wait to read it. This is book 2 of her Faeriewalker series (not sure I spelled that right). The first book, GLIMMERGLASS, was awesome! Here is the very beautiful cover for her book: I just love it! Book signings are so much fun, too. Jenna read from a chapter. There were cookies. It was a good turnout. I definitely enjoyed it and can’t wait to read the book. If you haven’t read the…