Inner Demons

My Favorite Scene in Inner Demons, Free Wallpaper, and A Giveaway

My Favorite Scene in Inner Demons, Free Wallpaper, and A Giveaway

Okay, so there are several scenes in Inner Demons that I really love. One of them is the scene where Lark teaches Harper how to use a glamour. “How did you do that?” “It’s called a glamour,” she said. “A staple of every respectable witch.” And later in the scene, it’s so fun to think back to how excited Harper was to be learning magic like this and finally starting to control the powers she’d always had. I felt giddy with joy and power and this amazing new connection to the world around me. She’s been through so much since…

New Cover for Book 2: INNER DEMONS

New Cover for Book 2: INNER DEMONS

Thank you so much for all of the encouraging words yesterday when I revealed the new cover for BEAUTIFUL DEMONS! I was so nervous to hear what everyone would think of the redesigned covers, but I’ve had nothing but positive feedback. Thanks to everyone who chimed in with your words of support. Today’s cover reveal is Book 2: INNER DEMONS. I love the dagger on this cover! It looks so much like what I picture the ritual dagger in the books to actually be. I also love that the cover model is more polished. Since Harper has just learned to…