Personal News

Why I Wrote The Trouble With Goodbye

In 2013, I took a little detour from the genre I’d been writing so that I could tell a story that was intensely personal to me. The Trouble With Goodbye is fiction. It’s not the story of my life. Not exactly. But there is so much of me in this book. I poured a lot of what I experienced during a very dark time in my life into this novel, and it was beautiful and difficult and cathartic and heartbreaking all at once. When I was 23 years old, I decided to go on a backpacking trip across Europe. When…

Maternity Leave (And a Demons Forever Update)

Maternity Leave (And a Demons Forever Update)

I have wanted to a Mom for as long as I can remember. Even when I was just a little girl, I loved babies and stared at pregnant women like they were goddesses. Back then, I knew of course that I would have to wait a while before it was my turn. I just never realized how long. When I was in college, I was diagnosed with PCOS and was told that my case was severe enough that I might never be able to have children. Talk about devastating news. I didn’t want to believe it, but it scared the…

Home to Georgia

Home to Georgia

No, I haven’t completely fallen off the face of the earth, lol. When I’m starting work on a new book, I always sort of crawl into this cave where I have less to say to the outside world. And I’ve been working a lot on Demons Forever. Since this is the final book in my series, it’s obviously very near and dear to my heart. I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about my characters, reading back through important scenes, writing out lists of all of the unanswered questions. I really want this book to be something special. That’s…

My BIG Personal News!

My BIG Personal News!

This is going to be another personal post, along with a brief update on RIVAL DEMONS. First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who left comments and sent me messages when I opened up in this post about my personal journey with PCOS and infertility. As I said before, I have wanted to have a baby for a very long time and even though my husband and I had been trying for quite a while, we had not been successful. I told you that we were preparing for our first round of IVF (in vitro fertilization)…

Pouring My Heart Out

Pouring My Heart Out

Ah, faithful blog readers, I have been keeping things from you. I have been trying to act like things are normal and that I am one hundred percent focused on writing. I have been trying to pretend that even though I’m going through some tough personal things, I can still be superwoman when it comes to churning books out. Unfortunately, it all caught up with me this week at the beach. The week I thought would be a huge breakthrough week for me, one where I would write 40,000 words and get ahead on my book deadline, actually turned out…

Las Vegas!

Las Vegas!

Taking a quick moment to say hello from Las Vegas!! G and I are having an amazing time together on our vacation. Sorry I haven’t been posting much this past week since the book came out, but I’ve been relaxing and giving myself a much-needed break. I thought I would take a moment this afternoon to upload a few pictures I’ve taken of our trip so far! Here is me eating a mini-baguette at Le Village Buffet in the Paris hotel: It was delicious! We also went to the Sugar Factory in the Mirage and I bought a Hello Kitty…