Personal News

21 Days to Vegas

21 Days to Vegas

My husband and I are going to Las Vegas in exactly 21 days! I am so excited I can barely see straight. The only other time I have been to Vegas was for our wedding in December of 2009. We had been hoping to go back for our 1 year anniversary, but between family obligations and my new career getting started, we weren’t able to make it. Instead, we decided to go for G’s bday. Right now, I am working hours and hours a day to make sure SHADOW DEMONS comes out before we leave. I have no doubt that…

A Walk on the Pink Side

A Walk on the Pink Side

It’s Friday, yay! I’ve been working hard on Book 4, and am almost 1/4 of the way finished with the rough draft. Right now, I’m easily on schedule for a mid-May release! I also have some exciting news waiting in the wings about my next series! Stay tuned. For fun, I decided to color my hair again. As you know, it was purple, then I went teal, and now, I’ve gone PINK! Here’s a pic I took right after I finished this morning: Sometimes, you just need a change. I love that I have the freedom to change my looks…

Lucky Numbers

My hubby and I have been talking about taking a trip back to Las Vegas. As you know, that’s where we got married in December 2009, and it was one of the most fun trips we’ve ever had. We are hoping to go back for a number of reasons. Number 1, G’s bday is in July and we could go during that week to celebrate. Number 2, My Peachville High Demons series will either be complete or close to it by the beginning of July. At that point, I’m thinking I will at least have the rough draft of Book…

Falling Short of My Goals

Having goals is one of the single most important things in my life. I understand that some people just aren’t goal-oriented, and that’s fine. But for me, everything fell apart when I didn’t have goals. I went through a depression in my 20’s that saw me systematically sabotaging everything I’d worked so hard for up to that point in my life. Friendships. Health. Career. I gave up my goals, believing that I would never be good enough to actually achieve the things I wanted out of life. I decided to settle for average. I got a solid job, bought a…