Friday Happiness

I am so happy that it’s Friday! I can’t believe that we have almost been engaged for a week!!! This has been such a happy, wonderful week!

And guess what else today is?? Snickerdoodle’s third birthday!! I remember when I first got her she was just a tiny puffball of white hair. In some ways it feels like I have had her for longer than three years. I wonder what we should do for her big day. Of course, she’s a dog and she has no idea what I mean when I shout Happy Birthday! to her. On the other hand, she hears the excitement in my voice and that makes her excited too. Hmm… maybe I will just go get her a special bone to chew on for the day. It’s too bad I don’t have one of those cone birthday hats for her to wear. That would be so cute!!

I am just glad we have made it to the weekend. Weekends are always more fun than weekdays, even if you have chores to do and errands to run. G and I can spend all day together Saturday and Sunday each week and those are the best days simply for that reason. I can’t wait until we make tons of money and can always spend our days together! Ah, dreams. ๐Ÿ™‚