Breaking Dawn is Here!

As I had written about earlier, Stephanie Meyer’s last book in the Twilight Saga was released this weekend. August 2nd was the release date, and like they did with Harry Potter, Barnes and Noble had a midnight release “party”. Now, I didn’t actuallly go to the Harry Potter midnight party, because I knew it was going to be long lines and completely mayhem. I thought that Breaking Dawn might be a little bit different.

When I reserved my book over a month ago, the cashier told me that I could pick up my book at midnight on Friday night. The little party invitation she gave me said that you could “wear your prom dress” and that the festivities started at 10. I personally had no desire to participate in the festivities, especially since the series is mainly geared towards teenagers. Instead, G and I headed over to Barnes and Noble just before midnight hoping to pick up the book and head home. As we drove up, however, we realized that it would not be quite that simple.

I am not sure exactly what I expected, but I never thought there would be that many people there. We’re talking hundreds of people, mostly girls still in middle and high school, some wearing prom dresses, others wearing outfits relating to the books in some other way. I even saw one couple that had painted vampire bites onto their necks. The truth is, I was lucky to even get in to see these people. As we approached the door, a heavy middle aged employee said “Sorry, we’re not letting anyone else in.” Shit! He said they were afraid if they kept letting people in they would be there until five in the morning. I was seriously pissed at first. It’s stupid for a bookstore to say that you can pick up your copy of the book at midnight… and then turn you away when you arrive at midnight to pick up your book. In the end, of course, he did let me in, but only because I had a book already reserved.

A lady inside gave me a red armband that said number 188 on it, and a sticker sheet that said things like “My heart belongs to Edward.” Being a bit PMS’y, I was mostly irritated by the whole thing, but looking back on it now, it was actual amazing. All over the country, teenagers and adults got dressed up and went to book stores just because they couldn’t wait another day to get their copy of the new book. There was so much excitement in the room! They called people to the checkouts based on the color and number of their armbands, and whenever they would call another group, cheers would erupt as people stampeded towards the checkout line.

I wonder if Stephanie Meyer herself was at one of the bookstores at midnight to talk about the series? If so, I wonder how it must have felt to be the author of a book that so many people were so excited to get their hands on? I’m sure she had no idea how big these books would be when she first sat down to write that first one, and yet here she is four books later, probably a very wealthy woman with a world full of people that love and identify with the characters she created. That must be an amazing feeling.

Around 12:35, G and I emerged from the bookstore, copy in hand, and headed home. I have started the book, but I haven’t gotten too deep into it yet. I know that once I really start reading, I won’t be able to put it down for hours.