4am Reading

Last night I thought I would read a bit of my new book before bed, but like the first three books in the series, it gripped me and would not let go. Breaking Dawn is so unlike the other three books that it left me wide-eyed and amazed even until 4 am. That’s when I finally had to put it down and go to sleep because my brain was telling me I had to get at least a little bit before it was time to get up again.

I don’t want to ruin the plot or anything, but let me just say… WTF? I was definitely not expecting this. I guess that is a good thing, but for a novel series that is marketed towards teens and young adults, this final book took on substantially more adult themes. The imagery went from mainly sweet and fun and interesting to completely disgusting and bizarre.

The writing is excellent, but I question the direction she took the plot. I am, at this point, still only halfway through the book. There are three main parts and I had to stop right at the end of the second part. I can’t judge the entirety of the book until I have read it all, but so far, I am just not sure what I think. In an online interview before the book came out, Stephanie Meyer, the author of the saga, said that she hoped she had given it the ending that her readers were hoping for. Like I said, I hate to judge it before it’s over, but I would say that a lot of her readers are going to be shocked. I am interested to read the reviews and feedback on it once I am finished. For now, though, I don’t want anyone to spoil the third part of the book for me. I am currently on page 369 of 754. Almost halfway through.

Let me just say this before I log off… if parents were raising hell about Harry Potter’s magic themes and such, then I’m sure there will be some backlash against this book. I personally hope the next half of the book is a little less bizarre and a bit more satisfying. I’ll let you know.