Girl’s Weekend

This will be my last post for the week, because tomorrow I will head to Charlotte to see my three best friends from college. I haven’t seen them since last October, and I cannot wait! Two of them are pregnant, and I bet they look so beautiful! We aren’t planning to do a whole lot, as far as I know, and I am most looking forward to just catching up and hearing all about their plans and what is on their minds.

I feel like I have so much to do today! I have to pack, make sure my camera is charged, clean up as much as possible so I leave G with a clean kitchen and everything, write at least 1000 words in my novel, and then head out to get my nails and toes done (have to show off that new ring of course :). I plan to also stop by the jewelry store where G bought my beautiful diamond ring and get it cleaned and polished. You wouldn’t believe how much it sparkles!!

I better get to work. I leave pretty early in the morning, so I have to get a good night’s sleep tonight! If I do, it will be my first this week. Hopefully I can get to bed early and will be able to calm down enough to fall asleep! I’ll be back to post on Tuesday, so have a great weekend!