Finally Finished Breaking Dawn

I finally finished “Breaking Dawn”. Well, I say finally, but I guess the book hasn’t even been out for more than five days, so I guess I finished it pretty quickly for an almost 800 page book. Let me just say that it was fantastic! The author definitely took the story in a direction that I never would have imagined. At first, it honestly freaked me out. I still think it is awfully adult themed throughout the book, but I guess it’s not like I’ve studied teen and young adult novels in depth lately, so maybe that is the norm.

I think that Stephanie Meyer is an amazing author with a very vivid imagination and a talent for making you love the characters in her books. I hope that I can write a book with as much impact as the Twilight books someday. Hmm. Now that I’ve finished that series, what in the world should I read next? I’ll have to give that some thought….


  1. ok so when you come to play house nurse bring them all with you, i do believe i am the only person in the world that has not read any of them……oh and i was watching a sotry on her the other day and did you know that she is mormon too? she had a dream one night about them n the meadow and thats how she got the idea about the book to begin with….so keep that notepad by the bed and write those midnight ideas down!!!

  2. I absolutely loved the book, I thought the direction was completely unexpected but enojoyed the story line immensely! I finished yesterday and my house is a diseaster but well worth the mess!! As for me, I’m starting over from the beginning and rereading the series.

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