Productive Weekend, Productive Week?

This weekend, I was rather proud of myself for getting so much done. I got all of the laundry done, cleaned up quite a bit, I wrote a good bit on Friday, and I spent a lot of quality time with G. I can only hope that a productive weekend leads right into a very productive week for me. My goal is to finish this short story I have been working on, and to get at least another 2500 words in my novel. It would definitely be amazing to finally really finish something and get it out there in search of a publishing home.

It’s supposed to rain most of the week here, especially after Wednesday, and sometimes that can make me want to just be in bed. I will have to ignore those kind of impulses in favor of writing and working hard, so wish me luck :P. At least I’m not facing what they are facing in Florida. It looks terrible down there, but at least the worst of the storm seemed to go right around my friend T.

Okay, 9:00. Time to get to work. Exercise, then write. I’ll let you know how it goes :).