
Almost all week, I have been in a sour mood. I have had headache after headache, I haven’t slept well at all, and last night I woke up several times with stomach problems. I’m sure I am a terrible drain on G when I get this way, but I can’t seem to just make myself snap out of it. It’s about time for my period, so I’m sure the health issues and general lugubrious behavior can be attributed to that. (FYI, lugubrious means mournful, dismal, or gloomy… I use it for G’s sake because he uses that word all the time but can never remember what it means.)

I hate that I don’t have more control over myself this time of month. Granted, I am not really used to having a period and my body is still adjusting to the Metformin and all, but still. I feel like I should be able to just snap out of it and be happy. Isn’t that what I’m taking all the other drugs for? At least it is Thursday and a three day weekend lies ahead. Hopefully I can hold on to that knowledge and squeeze out at least two productive days this week. Can I force myself to overcome the hormonal imbalance that is PMS? We shall see.


  1. yeah give it about 4-7 days and wverything will be fine in your world again!!! lol… dreading going back to that crapola every month again ….

  2. It’ll be ok, you only have to worry about this I don’t know 25 more years… so that’s 300 more period in a average lifetime.. wait is this helping?? ๐Ÿ™‚ Get an IUD, they are WONDERFUL, and viola no cramping, brooding, or periods for 5 years… i’m telling you it’s the best.

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