Demons Forever

Rough Draft Complete!!!

Rough Draft Complete!!!

Yay! This morning, I finished my rough draft for DEMONS FOREVER!! This is an exciting step for me, because it means that I’ve worked through the issues I wanted to figure out in the story and now I am almost ready to start on my second draft. I’ve talked about my writing process before, but just as a refresher, I’ll mention my next steps: Rough Draft (complete!) Marinating time – this is where I reflect back on what I’ve written so far and fill in any gaps or figure out parts of the story that didn’t quite work. The length…

Wrapping up My Rough Draft

Wrapping up My Rough Draft

This is hopefully the week I finish the rough draft for DEMONS FOREVER! I set my goal at 60,000 words even though I know the final book is going to end up more like 80,000. Of course, what I write in the rough draft is more like my version of exploring what might happen in the story. It’s a way for me to play around with different ideas and see what works. Then, when I finish the rough draft, I take some time to let it all marinate before I start over completely with the second draft of the book….

Demons Forever – Rough Draft Update

Demons Forever – Rough Draft Update

After my beach weekend, I feel rejuvenated and excited about the final book in the Peachville High Demons series! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been excited about the book, but it’s a love/hate relationship I think. Love because I love these characters and this world. With every book, it reveals more of itself to me. Hate because I don’t want it to end. It’s so sad to be working on the book and knowing that these are the last weeks I get to spend with Harper. Since this is my first series, I guess I just never realized how…

Mini Beach Retreat Weekend

Mini Beach Retreat Weekend

I figure it’s past time to get serious about this rough draft of Demons Forever! I’ve been spending more time thinking about it than actually working on it, which in a way IS working on it, but I know that now it’s time to get some words on paper and test how this final book is coming along. Especially since I’m determined to have it published before the baby comes in June. On the other hand, focusing on the story while there is so much going on in my personal life has been a struggle. I need to get away….

Back to Work!

Back to Work!

I am safely home in North Carolina and getting back to work on the rough draft of Demons Forever! I had such a great time in Georgia, but I always feel like I lose a lot of work time when I go there. It’s just too hard to concentrate on writing when there’s so much family activity. I mean, it’s hard to justify crawling into a cave somewhere to spend hours writing when I barely get to see my mom and sister and brother, you know? So the bottom line is that I didn’t really get any work done while…

Starting Demons Forever!

Starting Demons Forever!

Today is the day that I officially start work on the final book in the Peachville High Demons series, Demons Forever. I’m so excited I can hardly see straight!!! I already have a rough outline of the book, and I am pretty confident I know how the series ends, but to be honest, things always turn out different when I begin to write. The story always goes in its own direction, and I just have to go with it. If you looked at the original outline for Rival Demons, you wouldn’t even recognize the story! But in the end, the…