Day 9: Manifest Your Best Life | Spooktacular 2023

Spooktacular Day 9 is upon us! It’s quickly coming to an end, but we still have 4 more days of fun!

Yesterday we hung out together while I read Bunny by Mona Awad, and I really enjoyed making that reading vlog and sharing my thoughts. Let me know if you enjoyed it!

As always, we have our 12pm EST livestream where I’ll touch a bit on manifestation, but we’ll really go in depth at our 5pm EST Coffee Chat (I pushed the Coffee Chat back by an hour so I could attend an award ceremony for my kiddos)! I hope you’ll join me while I discuss how to manifest your best life!

DAY 9 LIVESTREAM: Manifestation


Since we’re focusing on manifestation today, I’d love to give away three entries to my Manifest Your Best Year course!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will close October 29th at 11:59PM EST and all you need do is to enter the rafflecopter above.

Good luck!

Coffee Chat Today at 5PM Eastern!

Join me at 5 PM Eastern today on YouTube for a special manifestation coffee chat! Remember, it’s an hour later than normal, due to an awards ceremony at my kids’ school. Thanks for being flexible, and if you can’t make it, we will see you on the replay!

Here’s a quick printable I made for you if you want to grab it. It’s a simple manifesting planner page. There’s a Purple One and a Plain White One that’s easier for printers.


I also forgot to mention 3 wonderful women I’d recommend following for manifestation tips on Instagram. Here they are: Manifestation Babe (Kathrin Zenkina), Andrea Crowder, and Amanda Frances. If you know of others you love to follow, drop them in the comments!


Follow the clue below to find today’s word. For a reminder on how the Scavenger Hunt works, click here.

At the end of the day on October 31st, I’ll provide a Google Form for you to fill out (I’ll post it in the Coven on Facebook and on Discord for those of you who aren’t on FB, as well as a link in the blog post for that day). You’ll have ONE WEEK to submit the form (it will be turned off on November 7th) and I will contact the winners via email.

Here is your Ninth clue

Book โ€“ Inner Demons

Chapter โ€“ โ€œYouโ€™ve Got Five Minutesโ€

24th paragraph

4th word


Just for showing up, we want to give you guys a party favor! Todayโ€™s is a Manifest Your Best Life coloring page.


I’m super excited about tomorrow! From 1-3, I’ll be hosting LIVE reading sprints!! Bring your book (in whatever format you’re using), get comfy on the couch or your favorite chair and read with me! During breaks, we can chat briefly about our respective books.

You can find the full details of our daily schedule here on this post. And don’t forget to enter the Grand Prize giveaway here.

Also, if you want to keep watching Night 2 of streaming The Quarry, I’ve added it to the schedule for 8PM on Sunday night!!



    1. I have manifesting practices. I love journaling so I write gratitude. A new thing I’ve just started is to daily write a win, big or small, it doesn’t matter.

  1. Day 9, Manifest your best life is the most perfect subject for my birthday!! Plus thanks for the coloring parry favor, I love coloring so much!

  2. This topic is really interesting. At the moment I do have a vision board with all that I’d like to have (or already have got) in my life, and I thank the universe for everything that I’ve got (which is actually a lot, if you start thinking about it!).

    1. I’ve done a few one-off manifestation practices over the year but really want 2024 to be the year that I get back in touch with this as well as feeling connected and present with my intuition.

  3. “Do you currently have manifestation practices?”

    I’ve tried some scripting and affirmations but nothing has really clicked for me.

  4. My main manifestation is “I am so lucky, everything goes my way” it changes my mindset so drastically I’m able to see things in a much better way. It definitely is helpful to my metal health

  5. Iโ€™ve done vision boards and find them super helpful for maintaining focus. I tried a version of Morning Pages with the idea of manifesting but I felt that was a waste of my time and just wrote as super fast as I could, so the intention itself became rushed. So vision boards were a better fit. Iโ€™d love to try other options for sure!

  6. I mostly know what I want in my life. Some things are definite, while others are a bit more up in the air. I mean it would be nice if some of those other things would happen. But with the way my life is currently going, I don’t think those other things will ever happen. I also don’t quite know how I’m gonna get from where I am now to where I’d like to see myself in the future. My big thing is if something was meant to happen in this life then it will happen. The big question is when.

  7. In the past, Iโ€™ve done some journaling/ brain dumping of all the unhelpful thoughts I had on repeat, which made room for that kind of magical mindset *click* where you know youโ€™re ready and you know nothing can stop you from making something big happen!

  8. Manifesting is a huge part of my life. I have a manifestation journal where I create vision boards in a notebook and then write out my intentions. I also like working with Crystal grids.

  9. I wish I has manifestation practices because of how beneficial that could be especially with all the struggles we deal with. Looking forward to today’s video

  10. Sarra! I love Spooktacular and all the creative ways weโ€™re celebrating each day. So excited about the opportunity to win the Manifesting courseโ€ฆ I missed the chance to join when it went live last year( earlier this year?) Iโ€™ve been catching all the replays!

  11. I’m getting back into a routine of meditation, listening to subliminals and visualisations. Can’t wait to watch the video at 5 pm ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I don’t know if this counts as manifestation practice, but I’ve recently discovered tapping (EFT) for myself!! So basically, as I understand it, releasing limiting beliefs and fears and kind of transforming them into positive affirmations ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes, it definitely is part of a manifestation practice for so many, including me! It’s a great way to release those limiting beliefs!

  13. My manifestation practice is up and down. I get really into it then life gets in the way. The goal for the new year is to practice it more and make it a big part of my life.

  14. In all honesty I am not too sure what manifesting entails. I know what the word means obviously. Itโ€™s thinking about what you want and making that happen. From scrolling the comments I saw some people saying things about affirmations. I have been advised to try that for my self-loathing but I struggle as it feels like a lie. Am interested to know more.

    1. I understand this feeling about saying something that feels like a lie, and I personally think it’s not super helpful when you feel that contradiction. Something that helps me is saying something more like, “I am getting better at being the kind of person who loves myself” for example. or “I am willing to start loving myself more” rather than something concrete that isn’t true yet.

  15. I donโ€™t currently have a manifesting practice but would love to learn more on how I can

  16. I don’t have a manifestation practise, but I’m very curious about this topic and would love to learn more about it.

  17. The law of attraction is a passion of mine and Iโ€™d love to see how you incorporate your other teachings like tarot and witchiness into it!

  18. Iโ€™m not sure I have manifestation practices. I mean I do keep a positive outlook when achieving my goals and I visualize those goals coming true every day when the mood strikes. But thatโ€™s about it.

  19. I don’t currently have a manifestation plan but I love all the info you give when you talk about it. Can’t wait to hear more today. I put Bunny on hold for an audiobook at the library. You made it sound interesting.

  20. i’m not very consistent with my manifesting practices and have been out of balance for a while. I have some big goals for next year and could really use some help in getting back on track. i’ve been interested in your course for a while.

  21. I really need to change my mindset for 2024. I need to practice some positive affirmations.

  22. I do have a practice of manifesting, however it could be a lot more consistent! I need to organize my time better to make more time for practicing.

  23. Good morning! I have never really tried manifesting, this will be interesting to learn about what you do.

  24. I’ve tried a few things in terms of manifesting, but I never quite stick with anything long enough to see results. I’d really like to explore other ideas to find something that feels ‘right’ to me.

  25. Manifesting has been a part of my life off and on for decades. In this last year, I have focused more on asking with an open heart and an open mind. I always want to learn more and dive deeper.

  26. I’ve tried to make it a habit, but then life gets in the way, and it falls away from me. <- I'm sure there's a message in there somewhere! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  27. Manifesting is such a big part of my life, and I feel like it has helped me so much on a day to day basis. Looking forward to the videos today xx

  28. Iโ€™ve never done manifestation before but Iโ€™m excited to learn and practice. Also thanks for the party favor bookmark. I printed off so many last night and laminated them and Iโ€™m in love!

  29. I do have a manifestation practice – the quick and easy is to add on a word of the day to my yoga practice – I’m there and breathing with a focused on my body and breath – so it’s a great opportunity to consciously add “joy” to my day.

  30. I do! I practice gratitude, affirmations, journaling, and visualization. Plus I have a vision board. I also like to walk myself through my doubts until there’s nothing left to worry/stress about.

  31. Iโ€™ve never done manifestation. It sounds like something I need in my life right now though!

  32. I’ve never done any manifestation practices but I am thinking about setting something up for the new year!

  33. this was a challenging year and I hope that 2024 will be a more successful year, where I manifest my best life

  34. I do a daily tarot card pull but thatโ€™s about it. 2023 was challenging and I hope to manifest my best life in 2024.

  35. I don’t do the manifestation thing. I am all for positive thinking though and I believe words have power. I guess my way of manifesting is praying and trusting in God to do what is right for me and my life. Absolutely no judgment of those who do practice manifestation, however. ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. I don’t have any set manifestation practices, though I am trying to do more affirmations and journaling and learning more about how to make life what I want.

  37. Oooh, my favorite topic! I love to co-create with the universe, my angels, guides, God, and my higher self. (and now my Dad since he has left us on this earth. : (: ). I have manifested SO many things in my life and am SO glad that Sarra is creating a tribe that mingles manifesting with writing, one of my passions in life. I know my dream to become a successful author is on its way to me, and I’m enjoying the process that comes along with this journey.

  38. I know next to nothing about manifestation, but I am interested and intrigued…SO excited for this coffee chat today!

  39. I have not started a manifesting practice yet but I’ve been checking into more information about it. Looking forward to the coffee chat today!

  40. In the past I have found that if I eliminate negativity and focus on where I want to be in my life, I’m on a good path. I surround myself with positive energy on what I want to manifest. ie getting back to a regular writing schedule, I’ve begun listening to authortubers again and podcasts on writing… rewiring my brain for what I need to focus on. Creative Blessings!

  41. I’ve consumed a lot of manifestation/law of attraction content but I’ve never had a dedicated manifestation practice.

  42. I do have manifestation practices, but I need to work on being more consistent. Right now I do a lot of meditations using the Joe Dispenza Morning Meditation (you can find it free if you have Apple Music), and sometimes I do manifestation scripts/journaling, although I tend to forget about it after a couple of days. But witnessing how much youโ€™ve manifested so far, Sarra, I should try more of what *youโ€™re* doing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Typically I use the New Moon as a time of manifestation and a Full moon as a time for gratitude.

  44. I’m so confused about manifesting. There’s so much confusing info out there, most designed to make us feel bad about having low moods or emotions. I’d like to learn the balanced approach you take. Thank you.

  45. I’m really interested in delving more into manifesting! So far I’ve only started dipping into it, but I need more regular practice.

  46. My manifestation routine is a mantra I say to myself: I am a writer with infinite creativity.

  47. I really enjoyed the reading vlog and love the party favors!

    I think I have a natural talent for manifestation, but I’ve struggled with it recently, because the past two years since we moved (from OR to MA) have been pretty rough and I end up deciding “what’s the point when everything is hopeless anyway?” Which I know is not the best attitude for someone with a talent for manifestation, but it’s hard to break out of. I’m working on manifesting getting my novel written for NaNo this year (that’s something I feel like I can have direct power over, at least), and for everything else maybe I should start with something like “I am open to improvement in every area of my life.”

  48. I have done some manifesting before but mostly daily affirmations to help get through the day. I’d love to try manifesting more, though.

  49. I have some, but sometimes I do have that feeling of “Am I just lying to myself?” It happens frequently. When it does, I ‘build a bridge’ to what it is I’m manifesting. So instead of saying “I will feel accomplished today,” I switch it to “I am working toward feeling accomplished today.” This helps me take the perfection pressure off me, and prevents me from shaming myself. It’s an extra step in manifesting, but it works for me!

  50. I took your course last January and followed through with several practices, including the one where you write your goal X number of time.

  51. I really enjoyed this stream today. Manifesting is always something I have been interested in and, at the same time, have found elusive. This has inspired me to give manifesting a wholehearted try.

  52. I love your approach to manifesting, Sarra, and am so grateful that you share it with us!

  53. I took so many notes on the stream today. I’ve been feeling pretty down on manifestation for a while but this helped me see what might be blocking me from manifesting. I definitely needed a wakeup call on that. It’s time to take a look at my current practice and change it up. Thank you so much for your inspiration today!

  54. I have intermittent manifesting episodes, and I’m pretty sure it’s the not feeling deserving of success that stops me from properly committing to it as a practice. I’ve had a great year when I think about it, and I’m definitely getting better at celebrating my wins, but I want to move into 2024 with the Inka that other people see. Renee called me a powerhouse tonight, and heck yes, I’m taking that. Thanks, Renee

  55. I don’t have a manifestation practice. I used to but I stopped because I didn’t resonate anymore with how people I followed online were talking about the law of attraction. I have OCD and a lot of thoughts that I don’t want. It’s really discouraging to believe that I can create my reality based on my thoughts through law of attraction when I’m thinking a lot of things I don’t want to be thinking! I had to pause the replay of the live today to come back here and comment. Your approach to manifesting by way of opening yourself up to possibility is so much more encouraging.

  56. Manifesting is something Iโ€™ve always wanted to try so I think now might be the right time for me

  57. Loving the manifestation topic. I pulled together a notebook and some stickers the other day to work on putting myself in a better energy.

  58. Hi Sarra,
    That is so great that they were both honored today. I do currently have a manifesting practice, but it is not very organized. I write it in a notebook while thinking about what it would look like to have it in my life.

  59. This was exactly what I needed to hear today. It has been a rough month, but I am so ready to move on to the better things that are waiting for me on the other side of this blackness. This was all so helpful! Thank you Sarra you are the best.

  60. I am on the fence about manifesting – I think thereโ€™s a lot out there about โ€œhowโ€ that is potentially damaging and could lead to poor mental health. It can be quite contradictory as well when people say to live your life like you already have it but also forget about what you asked for in order to not appear too desperate (how can you do both ). But I do believe the universe works in our favour and that when we truly want something, we become magnetic to it.

  61. I don’t currently have any manifestation practices… I have a lot of feelings over being trapped in past habits though, and need to get through them!

  62. I’ve never been able to figure out manifesting, so I’ve just focused on mindfulness, meditation, and gratitude lists. I’ve also used my faith to help bring me the things that are best for me at this time. So far, what I’ve always needed has always appeared exactly when they are needed. ^_^ I will try to look more into manifesting, you made it seem fairly easy.

  63. I don’t currently have a manifesting practice, although I certainly need to start one. I appreciated all your thoughts and tips today. And thank you for the printout–can’t wait to use it!

  64. I loved the coffee chat today. It was something I really needed to hear. I definitely could relate to not wanting to be seen. Thank you so much, Sarra!

  65. I write morning pages and keep a gratitude journal which sometimes help me with manifesting. But Iโ€™d love to build a more solid practice. Thanks for the chance to win!

  66. I think manifestation can be such a powerful tool, even if you don’t believe in the supernatural. I remember when I did a sociology course we were looking at something known as a “self fulfilling prophecy”, and the example our teacher used was that if a rumor starts about a person that they’re a thief, and everyone begins treating them like a thief, then eventually the brain will begin to think “Well, if I’m being treated like this anyway, I might as well steal and have these reactions be deserved”.
    And it was an extreme example, but internalising negative thoughts about yourself can do the same thing. “Oh, I’m such an idiot, lol”, say it enough and you begin believeing it, even if it’s not true.
    But by the same token, internalising positive messages, or manifesting positive outcomes, can do the same thing in reverse. As soon as I learnt about this in my sociology class, I purposefully began to stop myself using the word “hate” so much, and self-depricating humor became almost non-existant in my persona repertoir. It’s only funny until it’s not.

  67. I don’t have a set practice for manifestation, except prayer and daily meditation, if that counts. While I don’t feel that they are exactly manifesting something specific, I do believe they assist me with keeping faith and hope. In order to manifest, I believe I need to have faith and hope, especially when things seem really challenging. What you said in the video today about believing it and sitting in what it would feel like to have or experience whatever it is we want to manifest, really spoke to me. I’d like to work on trying that each day in November. Maybe I’ll make it part of my NaNo practice. Thank you for the inspiration and motivation, Sarra!

  68. I have tried a lot of manifesting tecniques and the one that I most feel like it works is doing a gratitude journal, I do it every night (or at least I try to) and it’s been amazing!

  69. I have used manifestation throughout my life and love it but your live was so insightful. I would love to learn more and win this course!

  70. Recently not, but I have used it last year with a problematic behaving boss. I just had a post it on my screen (at home) with 3 sentences like “I do not care” and ” You are doing an amazing job” and whenever things happened I used one to calm down and not shout at him. Gladly he was gone after a few months…

  71. I did start with some manifesting at the beginning of the year, but I let it slide… Your course would definitely help me get back on track!

  72. Sarra, I just want to say that the manifestation coffee chat has improved my mental outlook about 1000% percent! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your wisdom. <3

  73. Great coffee-chat. Had to se the replay Fell a sleep yesterday while watching – it was 23:00 here in Denmark
    Would love to win

  74. I currently exchange gratitude lists nearly every morning with a friend. I want to work on my practice so that I spend time visualising what I want.

  75. This was perfect timing. I am working out my journaling system for next year and this is a practice I need to add into it.

  76. I really need to sort out my new life, well besides Writing and Writing. I need to take that next step of self publishing and be content in my chosen life

  77. Loved the reminder about manifesting! The last year has been a challenge and my idea of what I want next has been changing. Time to get intentional about it!

  78. I have started using some practices this year. I took the course. It’s been a rough year, but I did get to raises so far which increased my base salary by $10,000!

  79. I’ve never done any manifestation work but would be interested to give it a go and see how it can impact my life ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. I’ve been working on it and it’s finally starting to happen. Lessening the non-manifestation self-talk has been the biggest step to take…and I do sometimes still suck at it. But slowly…

  81. I have been seeing my manifestations coming to life this past year in ways I hadn’t even the previous year. I feel like the changes in my mind have helped a lot.

  82. I do a lot of positive, focused thinking… not sure if that is manifesting but I am fascinated by the process and would love to learn more!!

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