
Hurricane Hanna: Heading here?

It seems that New Orleans dodged a bullet this weekend. Hurricane Gustav had everyone scared and thinking, not again! In anticipation of this major Hurricane perhaps making landfall on the Louisiana coast as a category 4, most of the state’s coastal towns were evacuated. I think I heard the weather channel say it was over 2 million people that had been evacuated from the area. Overall, it seems like the situation was handled quickly and more efficiently than with Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005. Thousands are without power still, but the important thing is that most people’s houses…


Almost all week, I have been in a sour mood. I have had headache after headache, I haven’t slept well at all, and last night I woke up several times with stomach problems. I’m sure I am a terrible drain on G when I get this way, but I can’t seem to just make myself snap out of it. It’s about time for my period, so I’m sure the health issues and general lugubrious behavior can be attributed to that. (FYI, lugubrious means mournful, dismal, or gloomy… I use it for G’s sake because he uses that word all the…

Productive Weekend, Productive Week?

This weekend, I was rather proud of myself for getting so much done. I got all of the laundry done, cleaned up quite a bit, I wrote a good bit on Friday, and I spent a lot of quality time with G. I can only hope that a productive weekend leads right into a very productive week for me. My goal is to finish this short story I have been working on, and to get at least another 2500 words in my novel. It would definitely be amazing to finally really finish something and get it out there in search…

Sleeping In

Isn’t sleeping in the best thing? I guess there are some weird people who claim they just “can’t” sleep in, no matter how hard they try. I am not one of those people. Sometimes I just can’t get to sleep at night… but I never have a problem sleeping in when it comes to mornings. G is home sick today with a terrible sore throat and cold. He rarely ever sleeps in, but today he really needed it. I, of course, slept in as well, even though I am not sick. I am a bad fiancee, because I should have…

Weight Loss Success

If you have been keeping up with this blog, you know that I have been struggling with my weight for quite some time now. Which is to say, I have been struggling with self-control. My doctor also believes that I was having a hard time losing weight because of how my body processes sugars due to PCOS. I have been taking Metformin, which is technically a drug that treats diabetes, and it has made me somewhat sick, but the results have been worth it. I am also taking Prozac and Wellbutrin for depression, which have both worked together to help…

LeRoi Moore is Gone

I am almost in shock, I think. I can’t believe that he is gone. Dave Matthews Band‘s amazing Saxophone player died yesterday. LeRoi Moore was a founding member of the band and played more than just the Saxophone. He also played the flute, the clarinet,, and all range of saxophones from bass, baritone, tenor, alto and soprano sax. LeRoi was also a big contributor to the arrangement of many of DMB’s songs such as “Stay.” He was one of the great musicians of our time, and I am sad to see him go. In a concert in LA last night,…