
Finally Finished Breaking Dawn

I finally finished “Breaking Dawn”. Well, I say finally, but I guess the book hasn’t even been out for more than five days, so I guess I finished it pretty quickly for an almost 800 page book. Let me just say that it was fantastic! The author definitely took the story in a direction that I never would have imagined. At first, it honestly freaked me out. I still think it is awfully adult themed throughout the book, but I guess it’s not like I’ve studied teen and young adult novels in depth lately, so maybe that is the norm….

4am Reading

Last night I thought I would read a bit of my new book before bed, but like the first three books in the series, it gripped me and would not let go. Breaking Dawn is so unlike the other three books that it left me wide-eyed and amazed even until 4 am. That’s when I finally had to put it down and go to sleep because my brain was telling me I had to get at least a little bit before it was time to get up again. I don’t want to ruin the plot or anything, but let me…

Breaking Dawn is Here!

As I had written about earlier, Stephanie Meyer’s last book in the Twilight Saga was released this weekend. August 2nd was the release date, and like they did with Harry Potter, Barnes and Noble had a midnight release “party”. Now, I didn’t actuallly go to the Harry Potter midnight party, because I knew it was going to be long lines and completely mayhem. I thought that Breaking Dawn might be a little bit different. When I reserved my book over a month ago, the cashier told me that I could pick up my book at midnight on Friday night. The…

Word Meter

Sorry for the late post today, but I have had a fever and been sick for the past 24 hours. Not sure what’s up, but hopefully I’m near the end of it. I thought I would just quickly post that I have put up a word meter on the right sidebar for the novel that I have recently started. This is my first serious attempt at a novel, and I want to keep up with my progress and know that others are looking over my shoulder making sure that pink bar moves. For now, I’m calling the book “Selfish” simply…

The Muse

For some strange reason, I lay down to sleep at night and suddenly all of these ideas about what I’m writing will come to me. Almost every night I get some new idea about something I’m working on or want to work on. I know that simply because of this, I should keep a notepad and pen on my nightstand. Most of the time I can remember my ideas in the morning, but who knows if I’m losing something great? I never actually remember falling asleep, so I suppose it’s possible that I lose the minute or so before that…

Laser Hair Removal, Treatment 4

I will go in this morning for my 4th treatment at Sona Medspa for laser hair removal. I always get excited about the great results, but very nervous about the actual procedure. Mainly because it fucking hurts. I have a feeling G thinks I am a bit of a wimp about it, but honestly, you have no idea until you’ve been there. Since the first 3 treatments have gotten rid of some of the hair, it makes sense that this treatment won’t hurt quite as bad. After all, the laser only zaps the hairs, so less hairs means less zapping….